Friday, June 06, 2008


... is it just me, or is Technorati basically a useless, inaccurate piece of shit? Just wonderin'...


  1. I guess it's gonna be a kickass gadget for teenagers that photograph each other penuses and publish them on youtube.

  2. Usual Stuff,
    Heh, that's exactly what Technorati is!

  3. My 8th grade students are going to love it.

  4. I'm with you on this one. It's dog slow, its search function usually returns an error page, and the hyperlinks showing one blog connected to another are non-intuitive, to put it politely.

    Seems like something that someone started up when blogs first got big, and then never really followed through on. I used to see Technorati rankings reported as though they were gospel; now, I almost never see them used reported.

  5. Brendan,
    Their stats/rankings are very unreliable for most run-of-the-mill blogs (like mine). And it was quite a joke when their stat claiming Japan had the most blogs (and widely quoted in the media) was exposed as BS (most of the Japanese blogs they included were spam blogs).
