Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Will You Please Shut the Fuck Up

From the Idiots, Liars, and Assholes Department:
All the school shootings that have ended abruptly in the last 10 years were stopped because a law-abiding citizen -- a potential victim -- had a gun...
The latest school shooting at Virginia Tech demands an immediate end to the gun-free zone law which leaves the nation's schools at the mercy of madmen.
--Larry Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America

Maybe I see it because I'm not American. Maybe it's because I live in Japan. Maybe it's because I'm educated. Maybe my parents "brought me up right". Maybe I see it because I'm Canadian. Maybe it's because I'm an atheist, or because I've studied philosophy. Maybe it's just the weather. Holy fucking shit, maybe it's mind control rays from Mars!

What am I talking about? What is it that I see? Well, I'll tell you, friends. I see a hole. Yes, friends, a hole. A hole in logic. A big, black, gaping hole. A veritable fucking vortex. A black hole so big that no trace of common sense or decency can escape its event horizon. Not one fucking iota.

Take your fucking guns, shove them up your fucking ass, and then, please, shut the fuck up...


  1. Naw, K, you see it because it's there. Common sense got on a train a few years ago, heading east, and hasn't been heard from since.

    One of the pathetic results is that idiots are encouraged to mouth their babblings, which are then cast out to the world for all to see and hear.

  2. Hi Glenn, yeah, I hear ya, and I'm very aware that not everyone is as "blind" as these gun zealots.
    In a classic case of bad timing, the mayor of Nagasaki was gunned down in public last night. The idiots oughta have fun with that ("see, if the Japanese had guns someone coulda stopped the guy!").

  3. I definitely agree fire arms availability is one of the key factors. Did you notice the first fact that hit Latin American press was the fact the guy was Korean? Now they're gonna blame everything on every single foreigner they lay their eyes on, aren't they?

  4. Usual Stuff, I hope that doesn't happen, but can you imagine the shitstorm if the guy had been Arabic and/or Muslim? From what I understand the guy was a permanent resident whose family had been in the US for a few years. Just a messed up guy...

  5. Amen brother. A-friggin-men.

  6. I hope that info reaches the press as well. Yeah, it would've been hell unleashed. Mmmm. You were able to find out something positive out of this mess. That's one of the reasons why I like reading you! =)
