Friday, May 02, 2008

Future-dated Posts

Hey, I just noticed this: Blogger now allows you to set the publishing time/date of posts to the future.

[UPDATE: It works.]


  1. I saw this feature when it was in Blogger Draft, but I have been unable to come up with any reason to use it. That isn't nefarious, I mean.

  2. Glenn,
    I take it you were using the Beta?

    Nefarious? I think it's useful for when you're away on the weekend, etc. but you don't want any "down" days, or when readers might be expecting a post, or even if you're just super-organized (not me!).

  3. Um ... no, I wasn't. I had noticed the post options thing before and just assumed it always worked that way. Didn't it? Sorry.

  4. kyklops:

    I stand chastised. You're absolutely right: for those who like to offer their readers a steady stream, the "future posting" facility is a big win. I plead thinking from a provincial attitude, which says that my blog stands as a monument to intermittentcy ... nay, irregularity ... and that's what RSS/Atom is for.

    Which, it must be admitted, is not a point of view entirely embraced by my six or seven regular readers.
