Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Click to enlarge.


  1. Wonderful shot - would just criticise a teeny bit on composition - your main object is just too centred. (Hmm, does she think she's becoming an expert or what. Oh the cheek of it!) ;-)

  2. AV,
    Actually, I was somewhat troubled by this myself. I looked at it with different croppings and slight rotations, but in the end this one was the most satisfying to me. I should have taken more than one shot...

  3. Beautiful.

    Now that AV points it out, though, I could go along with that. Certainly my photographer uncle gets on me every time I center an object in a shot.

    But I still really like the picture, especially the colors.

  4. Brendan,
    Yeah, yeah, I get the fucking message! ;-) I'm now scouring the globe for something "slightly off-center" just to keep you and AV happy. Believe me, you'll both know when I find it. Mmbwahahahahaha!!!!
