Friday, May 02, 2008

Reductio ad Hitlerum (et Stupidum)

We don’t want to be criticized by future generations for not doing enough now as were those who dealt with the Germans then.

--Baltimore City Councilman James Kraft (arguing in favor of a ban on the use of plastic bags)

[Image Source]


  1. Hard to believe that writer made it through that whole editorial without saying "Godwin's Law."

  2. Brendan,
    It's not actually an example of Godwin, I think it's more along the lines of, ahem, reductio ad Hitlerum.
    [I love my Wiki!!]

  3. Oh... So now plastic is as dangerous as the jews?

  4. Usual Stuff,
    Actually I think he was trying to say that plastic is as evil as Nazis.
