Friday, May 14, 2010

I Used to Be Such a Sweet, Sweet Thing

A couple of times this week I've come across articles/posts that have tried to draw an analogy between drug use and the consumption of oil. The idea being put forth is, of course, that so long as there is demand for the "products," any attempt to regulate their consumption is doomed to failure. The last time I checked, though, the drug cartels were not in bed with the people who make cigarette papers, bongs, syringes, coke spoons, and the like. Nor did the drug cartels/dealers actually create the conditions under which we feel we must consume their product if we are to properly provide for our families. Further, if at any time we grow unhappy with some drug "product," there's always a new, alternative source of bliss just around the corner. Say what you want, but the drug lords truly are the last of the real capitalists. Randians should bow down before their latter-day John Galts.


"Oil-producing nation." What the fuck does that mean, anyway? When countries, or corporations, actually start "producing" oil, I'll start listening to their bullshit.


My family has two cars. Yeah, we rape the universe in a city with no public transportation. I'll walk or bike to work when everyone else does. Otherwise, I'll just be late and get my ass fired. We pay very high taxes (on the cars and gas) for the privilege.


There is no arguing with some people. I am not a communist, OK? I'd barely rate as a "socialist" if you were to ask some of my commie friends. But some things just seem as plain to me as the nose on my face (believe me, it's never out of my sight). First: I can't think of a worse, more potentially disastrous idea than to have a health care system based on a business model. Businesses want repeat customers. Duhh... And please, don't give me any shit about bad-faith businesses losing their customers and giving way to good-faith businesses (the whole "self-correcting" mumbo jumbo). This might have worked in the day when Joe gave me good service because he didn't want me bad-mouthing him or punching him out. These days it's nothing more than a religious mantra mouthed by those who see "the market" as some force of nature, like evolution or something. I've got news for you: the "market" was invented by people who wanted to fuck other people out of their money. It's a zero-sum game. It's like sports. Only (very few) winners, and (a boatload of) losers. Of course it's possible you see the world that way and think that it's fit, right, and proper. Fine. I appreciate your honesty. Just stop leaving your religious pamphlets on my doorstep.


I'm almost finished (for tonight). One last thing. I'm a skeptic. I mean in the philosophical sense. That means I don't believe in God(s), ghosts, UFOs, psychic powers, (non-hockey related) mystical stuff, or any other kind of crap that people try to throw at me. (I may not be the brightest guy on the planet, but I've found that my instincts have served me pretty well.) Would I ever question the motives of anyone looking to sell me something, someone looking to relieve me of some of this money I need to support myself and my family? Yeah, I would. Yeah, I do. Every time.

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