Friday, September 21, 2007

Head Like a Hole

I vaguely recall a time, perhaps not so long ago, when I used to write stuff to post here. I wonder where that time went, and if it will return. Maybe a few beers and some stimulating tunes can turn back the clock. Or at least get me drunk...


  1. It's been happening to me, too. What gives?

  2. I remember when I used to write about amusing things.
    I'd rather have a hole in my head, not produced by a gun, ok?
    But I just happen to know how the statue feels. jaja.
    What is it suppossed to be, anyway?

  3. Glenn,
    I'm not actually sure...

    Usual Stuff,
    It's a statue/sculpture in a local park. I don't know what its "meaning" is, so I made up my own...
