Showing posts with label skepticism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label skepticism. Show all posts

Thursday, July 01, 2010

I Think I've Read Enough...

I stopped reading this article after the first sentence:
No topic is liable to prompt a fist fight among mothers so rapidly as breast-feeding.
If there's one thing I'm sick to death of it's having to make my way to work every day through streets clogged with rival factions of motherhood locked in mortal combat while waging their interminable "milk wars."

Enough, already!

Friday, November 06, 2009

An Inquiring Mind

Last night as my daughter was getting into her bed, I noticed her slip something under her pillow. When I asked her what she was doing, she pulled her hand out from under the pillow and showed me a tooth.

Mildly surprised, I asked "did you lose a tooth today?".

"No," she replied. "I found it."


"With mommy's stuff." (My wife keeps her [haha! my daughter's! Fixed 11:00 PM] lost teeth in a small box. It's supposed to be secret because usually the Tooth Fairy takes her teeth and leaves her a coin.)

"Well," I said, "if you didn't lose that tooth today, why are you putting it under your pillow?"

She shrugged and said, "it's just a test."

It's difficult to properly express how amused, tickled, and impressed I was at that moment.